| .com - English Services by Mike McNeill in Vienna
with Mike McNeill in downtown Vienna
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Pattern & remember!
Enhance your English, face to face or via webcam, with original schematics and workarounds presented by Mike McNeill based in Vienna. offers courtesy ESL / EFL content engagement primarily aimed at intermediate students and fully respects copyright perpetually held by the original authors, plus originally crafted visual ideas on how to make English work for you - accessed online or instruction provided face to face.
Mike McNeill (owner) conducts both virtual, online English training and holds face-to-face meetings and seminars in the Vienna / Wien City.
Primary aim - to equip English as a second language (ESL / EFL) students with the ability of actually remembering essential English and English grammar, aided by an English schematics and 'keywording' concept developed over 15 years of teaching to lions of business in downtown Vienna. Specific coaching methods assist clients in their goal of recalling how to use correct English structures within their professional lives.
Clients may book targeted coaching time towards promoting appropriate English sentence structure and the correct use of the English tenses within the framework of specialist vocabulary requirements, be those legal, business, banking, sales, human resources or medical / clinical English areas. A strong additional focus is placed upon professional meetings and presentation phrases and skills and getting your point over to your business partners without harming your brand name or personal reputation.
Tips & tricks will equip you with the skill of quickly learning and then recalling English material which will get you through your most difficult professional English challenges.
McNeill Services offers customers a clearer understanding of appropriate behaviour at professional English speaking events and how one can best structure one's questions and responses, thus avoiding the pitfalls of being too indirect vis-a-vis questioning and, conversely, being too direct in the rejection of others' views.
Best wishes in your adventures in English,
Mike McNeill - RGN. (Nursing), Counselling Cert (Ed)., BA (Hons)., MA.
[Registered General Nurse. Certificate in counselling and relationship support in education. Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Peace & Conflict Studies - mediation, politics and history, ethics and cultural studies.]
Mike McNeill in Vienna | Wien.
The online content found here is, quite simply, lifted right off the whiteboard and purely a basis to work from when your English is rusty and you have not attended a live English training session, of late. However, if you need to move forward into actual coaching services - get in contact. Contact Mike & Co. | McNeillServices : For professional English coaching - click HERE
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Impressum: McNeillServices | English-VC, On-line. Webmaster - Mike McNeill, Währing, 1180, Wien. Hosted on Crikey.50megs, US e-infrastructures. eMail: Contact - McNeillServices | English-VC | In association with & Bravenet Sites & | .§
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